Advanced Certificate in Operational Risk

Why study the Advanced Certificate in Operational Risk?

The Advanced Certificate in Operational Risk has now been retired following the winter narrative exam session on 2 December 2015.

Candidates interested in gaining a higher level Operations qualification are encouraged to consider Managing Operational Risk in Financial Institutions, a level 4 CBT exam or the Diploma in Investment Operations, a level 6 qualification.

The Advanced Certificate in Operational Risk explores in detail the operational risk environment and covers best practice techniques and builds upon material covered in the IOC and Managing Operational Risk in Financial Institutions. It will enable candidates to demonstrate a practical understanding of the operational risk environment and will help prepare you for a more demanding and senior role within the industry.

Is the Advanced Certificate in Operational Risk right for me?

The Advanced Certificate in Operational Risk is suitable for operations, IT and administration staff who wish to develop their managerial, professional and technical skills. It is ideally suited for supervisors, team leaders, assistant managers, managers and senior technical specialists.

Key features:

  • Understand the bigger picture – it will equip you with a broader grasp of the business and regulatory issues faced by senior management
  • Global qualification – suitable for those working in the UK and overseas
  • Covers the whole finance sector – appropriate for those working in both wholesale and retail firms
  • Access to higher level qualifications – successful completion can be used as an entry to the highly regarded Diploma in Investment Operations
  • Free CISI Student membership – become associated with a chartered professional body and take advantage of an extensive range of benefits
  • Access to Associate membership and ACSI designatory letters
Operational Risk factsheet

Advanced Operational Risk factsheet

Qualification Structure

The Advanced Certificate in Operational Risk will be retired following the winter narrative exam session on 2 December 2015.

Candidates interested in gaining a higher level Operations qualification are encouraged to consider Managing Operational Risk in Financial Institutions, a level 4 CBT exam or the Diploma in Investment Operations, a level 6 qualification. Anyone who passes Level 3 Operational Risk and Advanced Operational Risk by December 2015 will be able to take Global Operations Management at a later date and gain the Level 6 Diploma in Investment Operations. There is no time limit on this.

The award is achieved by passing 2 units, select a unit for more information:

Operational Risk
Advanced Operational Risk
Advanced Certificate in Operational Risk


Exam Details

Exam Availability

Pass Mark / Pass Rate

The current pass rate for this exam is and the pass mark is . The exam grades are as follows:

Regulated Qualifications Framework

credits on the Regulated Qualifications Framework are awarded upon successfully passing this exam

Feedback and Appeals

For further details on how to give us your feedback and / or Appeal your result, please refer to our Exam Policies.

Study support


CISI Operational Risk and Advanced Operational Risk workbooks are required to be purchased when booking the exams. This is to ensure there is one standard workbook from which all exam candidates can prepare. You can also choose to purchase Operational Risk elearning to support your exam preparation.

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Accredited Training Partners

You can choose to complete formal training for our exams with a CISI Accredited Training Partner (ATP).

Find an ATP near you

Post Qualification Opportunities


After completing the Advanced Certificate in Operational Risk you can join the Institute as an Associate member and attain the designatory letters, ACSI. As a member of the Institute, you will enjoy the recognition of being a professional in a world of increasing competition. The extensive continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities available through the CISI’s suite of membership benefits ensures financial services practitioners can maintain competence and meet the requirements of firms and the regulator.

Higher Level Qualifications

To further theoretical and practical knowledge upon completion of the Advanced Certificate in Operational Risk, higher level qualifications to take include:

Level 5+
Advanced Certificate in Operational Risk
Advanced Certificate in Global Securities Operations