Our Mentor of the Year Award

This award, new for 2023/24, is intended to recognise an inspirational CISI mentor who has gone above and beyond in supporting their mentee's learning and development and helping them achieve their professional goals.

Nominations are now being accepted from mentees until 4 December 2023.

The accolade will be presented at our prestigious awards ceremony held at Mansion House, London, on 23 April 2024.



To nominate your mentor, please complete the nomination form by 04 December 2023.

Nominate Mentor

You will be asked to answer a few questions about your mentor and to give specific examples of how they have supported your development and inspired you.

Please note that both you and your mentor must be current CISI members for your mentor to be eligible for the award.


If your mentor is shortlisted, we will be in touch to invite them to an interview with the judging panel in the new year.


The winning mentor and their nominating mentee will be notified in February 2024 and invited to attend our prestigious annual awards ceremony in April 2024.


The award-winning mentor will receive:

Profile on CISI social media channels and in The Review, CISI members’ magazine
The accolade of winning
'Mentor of the Year' digital badge and certificate

Guidance for mentees submitting nominations

Entries will be assessed against the following criteria, with non-exhaustive examples shown below:

How has the mentor demonstrated their commitment to supporting the mentee’s learning and development? This could include:

  • Providing technical / industry-related advice or guidance to the mentee
  • Helping the mentee uncover or firm up their goals in financial services

How has the mentor inspired the mentee? This could include:

  • Sharing career advice
  • Supporting the mentee with a particular issue
  • Demonstrating wider involvement or showing leadership in the sector
  • Championing sector issues such as diversity and inclusion

How has the mentor helped the mentee to achieve their goals? Please give specific examples.

  • Commitment to meetings and general responsiveness to the mentee
  • Helping the mentee plan out a route to achieving a particular goal or career plan
  • Connect the mentee with a network or to other resources

Is there anything else the mentee would like to say in support of their nomination for their mentor to be awarded the CISI Mentor of the Year?

  • Any other examples of ways in which the mentor has gone above and beyond in their mentoring, that are not covered by the above questions

If more than one mentee nominates the same mentor, then each entry will be considered on its own merits (the nominations will not combine or ‘stack’).